We’re Hiring For All Seasonal Positions!
Ski Patrol / Lift Ops & Tix Chex / Snowsports Instructors / Tickets & Guest Svcs / F&B - Pub Ops / Parking / Rental & Repair / Custodial & Grounds
$14 - $20 / HR depending upon the position… email us at jobs@antelopebuttefoundation.org to let us know whether you plan to return or are starting anew, and we’ll send you an application and get started on paperwork!
Being our Best
Our goal is to provide the highest level of service to our community members through a positive working environment that consistently attracts, develops, motivates, and retains the most talented team members, all of whom practice, instill, and model the core values of the Antelope Butte Mountain Recreation Area.
Why not resurrect our hometown ski area?
Antelope Butte (“AB”) is all about being a group of dreamers for whom “no” isn’t an option. We bring an array of perspectives on mountain recreation and a genuine desire to see that our present and future generations have the opportunity to learn and explore a variety of outdoor recreation activities and mountain-based experiences.